A bittersweet beginning in University

Disclaimer: This post is filled with complains and sentiments To be honest, when I first started writing this post, I had more bad things to say then good ones. My very first title was "NUS: A journey of disappointment". Subsequently, as finals ended, I started reflecting and I realised that there were many small moments …

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14 Life lessons I learnt from National Service

Two years ago, my life was flipped,inverted and place on hold. I was living in an hourglass, eagerly waiting for the seven hundred grains of sand to fall to the bottom marking the end of this imprisonment. Most of the grains are fine, filled with mundane challenges and repetitive happenings. But, there are some coarse …

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2016 US Presidential Race: A Shepherd or The Lion

Updated as of 20/10/2016 The 2016 presidential race is reaching towards the end point and both candidates have an array of issues. From Hilary's email scandal to Donald's sexist comments, mainstream media has excessively focused on the candidate's scandals/mistakes rather then their polices. Hence, I have decided to write a post to compare the policies …

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How to make National Service a little more attractive?

National service (NS) has been one of the greatest disturbance to the life of every Singaporean son. Few can embrace the fact the their university and career are being thwarted in order to charge up a hill, drive a weaponized vehicle or... It is common for people to "Act Blur Life Longer" simply because there …

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Can O-levels be more then just an academic filter?

A couple of weeks ago, the Ministry of Education (MOE) released a new grading system for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) in an attempt to shift focus away from academics. The new  grading system was in my opinion, a failure and it started off a chain of online debates on our education system. This …

Continue reading Can O-levels be more then just an academic filter?