Behind the scenes of KE7 Hall

Disclaimer: This post reflects my personal challenges in one of NUS's Hall. This is not a fair, accurate depiction of the experiences in NUS's Halls. If you are a Hall resident that had a flawless experience, you may be upset with the content of this post.  Seeing people stay Hall is like watching a play, …

Continue reading Behind the scenes of KE7 Hall

The Artists behind a “Successful” Grocery Stall

"Not everyone can be a great Artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere" ~Ratatouille (2007) , PIXAR ~ Its been nearly a decade, but that memorable speech by Ego at the end of Ratatouille has stuck with me ever since I watched that movie. Perhaps, it is because deep down I have always …

Continue reading The Artists behind a “Successful” Grocery Stall